Christ Centered Treatment


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What is a Christ-centered treatment approach? At Selah House, it means we regard every person as a spiritual being on a human journey, and we treat your whole being with therapies, psychiatric care, and dietary and nutritional care that support you physically, spiritually, and emotionally during your eating disorder recovery.

What is a Christ-centered program?

As a Christ-centered program, we hold each client in high regard, knowing they are made in the image of God. Regardless of faith, we meet each person where they are in their journey in an atmosphere of openness and acceptance without judgment. We help clients remember who they are and whose they are. We call out what is highest and best in them as this is a reflection of how Christ loves us. By supporting our clients without judgment or pressure, we can guide them through the challenging spiritual issues that can hinder recovery. We hope to lead our clients into wholeness and help them figure out how God and spirituality relate to the journey of recovery, with the goal being to lead them into a fulfilling life from their eating disorder.

Christina Zile, Selah House Chaplin says, “We love these women, and regard them as children of God. They have forgotten who they are or may have never known because of being told who they should be.”

We use evidence-based research to guide our holistic therapeutic approach, which includes exploring spirituality, the obstacles of recovering, and tools needed to be successful. We sometimes use the first three principals of the 12-Step program as an outline for surrender and powerlessness over the eating disorder; this is how recovery begins.

  1. Admit we are powerless over addiction and our lives have become unmanageable
  2. Believe there is a power greater than ourselves and can restore us to sanity
  3. Decide to turn our will and lives over to the care of God

Selah House offers space and time to clients to consider which beliefs either hinder or support their path to recovery. Through weekly chapels and spirituality groups called Selah Group, this is the time where clients to talk about their spiritual issues, the beliefs that are obstacles to recovery, and to learn and understand that fear and being misinformed play a large part in the formation of eating disordered behavior. The group explores each clients’ journey into or away from spirituality and the relevance of their beliefs as it pertains to healing the whole person.

“The Selah House spiritual approach is more about finding a connection in a relationship, instead of religion. We are often in conversation about being spiritual beings and how each one experiences their faith journey. Our great hope is they will experience the love of Christ through us. We are open, and always eager to learn from and support each other,” adds Christina.

Our multi-disciplinary treatment team is highly trained and passionate about engaging our clients with compassion, understanding, and acceptance. Just as Selah House is a Christ-centered program, our team is also Christ-centered. We remember that each of us is a work-in-progress, always needing mercy and grace as we learn to grow.

“We are aware that we are role models. Women come to Selah House and may be anxious when they learn there is a Chaplin. They soon realize there are no sermons here. There is only time and space to walk together and explore why our humanity is sacred,” shares Christina. We are keenly aware of the need for healing and that Christ brings us to wholeness. Each team member strives to be a channel of healing, hope, and comfort during the beautiful journey we share with our clients.

Selah House Offers Freedom

Selah House is a profound place to heal for so many women. Because of the love and acceptance, they find a place to rest and let down their walls. For many, this may be the first time they have felt safe. When you experience a place where you are not judged and there is no guilt or shame; you carry that place in your heart for a very long time. Selah is that place.


If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, Selah House can help. Our evidence-based approach contributes to overall healing and transformation and is designed to meet the medical, nutritional, psychological, spiritual, and emotional needs of each client. For more information on our programs, call our admissions team at [DirectNumber] or complete our contact form.



Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.- Romans 15:7

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