Link Between Stress and Eating Disorders


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Stress becomes problematic when you lack the coping skills required in order to deal with the adversity you’re experiencing.  Negative coping methods come in the form of self-destructive behaviors. For some, food becomes the focal point. There’s a strong correlation between stress and eating disorders.

How Stress and Eating Disorders Intertwine

Stress is all around you. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it’s there. For someone at risk of developing an eating disorder, aggravation increases. You’re already struggling to maintain a healthy mindset; it takes very little to upset it.

You now perceive stressful situations as affecting you even more strongly. Because your available coping mechanisms don’t work, you begin acting out in self-destructive ways. Most importantly, you’re also more likely to give in to impulsive thoughts or reactions. Residential eating disorder treatment centers routinely work with great people who are not handling stress productively.

For example, you might channel the stress into worries about having the ideal body type. Others use food as a way to feel happier. However, this only works temporarily. In the long term, it creates more problems than it solves.

Residential Treatment Empowers You to Reset

You need to develop healthy coping skills and problem-solving abilities. However, you can’t do that when you struggle against triggers. Getting away from it all for a residential care stay is your best option.

For starters, it eliminates the health worries. You receive a medical assessment and undergo necessary care. As a result, your bodily functions stabilize. In the process, you regain your health.

Similarly, you work with psychiatrists and therapists to deal with stressors. Treatments include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on the recognition of dysfunction and how to overcome it
  • Dialectical behavior therapy as a way out of letting strong emotions which dictate actions and thoughts
  • Group therapy for peer guidance, support, encouragement, and social skills development
  • Family therapy, which teaches loved ones how to provide support during your recovery
  • Psychotherapy as a way to manage underlying mental health conditions that create stressors

Yoga therapy is an essential holistic modality that teaches you how to breathe through stress and discomfort. It helps you focus your mind on the here and now. As a result of grounding yourself, you relieve anxiety and worry.

Handling Stress after Program Graduation

Almost all clients benefit from visiting a therapist to continue psychotherapy after finishing treatment. Some may enroll in an outpatient program as a step-down. Support group attendance is another excellent way to focus on long-term recovery.

Because meditation and yoga are so successful in reducing stress, you might continue with these options. Yoga and meditation can help you continue to have a positive relationship with your body. By clearing your mind and using proper breathing techniques you release stress and anxiety that sometimes triggers an eating disorder.

Others also regularly visit a massage therapist. This professional removes the physical tension from the body. It’s an excellent opportunity to relax on a physical level.

Learn more about the destructive connection between stress and eating disorders. Find out about the hands-on help therapists at Selah House can give you. Most importantly, realize how you can participate in your recovery. Call 765.819.2524 today to schedule an appointment.

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