Eating Disorder Online Assessment Responses

Eating Disorder Online Assessment Responses

Home / Eating Disorder Treatment Admissions Process / Eating Disorder Online Assessment Responses

Response 1

If you have had suicidal thoughts in the last two weeks we are especially concerned about whether you are receiving the support you may need. We strongly urge you to contact us if you are not already receiving help, or dial 911 in the case of an emergency.
Your results suggest that you are concerned about your weight and/or shape and are engaging in behaviors that may be putting your health at risk. These symptoms indicate that you may be at risk for or struggling with an eating disorder. If you aren’t currently in treatment for your eating behaviors, we recommend that you contact us immediately to be evaluated. Our consultations are free and can be scheduled in advanced. This survey is not meant as a diagnostic tool, but your results indicate this is a good time to start a conversation.
We know that reaching out for help with this kind of concern can be scary, but we are here to help you find the right professionals – individuals who are experienced helping people with just the type of concerns you are experiencing.
If you are looking for treatment options, you can speak with one of our trained Intake Coordinators by calling toll free at 765-650-7951, during the following hours:
Monday – Friday: 6 am to 6:30 pm EST
Or fill out the form below and we will be in touch within 24 hours.
If you have an emergency, please call 911.

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Response 2

Your responses suggest that you are neither currently experiencing major concerns about your body image, weight, or shape, nor are you currently engaging in many unhealthy behaviors. However, surveys can be incorrect and this survey is not meant as a diagnostic tool. If you are currently suffering from feelings or behaviors that cause you concern and interfere with your happiness or functioning or begin to, you should seek immediate assistance.

If you are looking for treatment options, you can speak with one of our trained Intake Coordinators by calling toll free at 765-650-7951, during the following hours:

Monday – Friday: 6 am to 6:30 pm EST
Or fill out the form below and we will be in touch within 24 hours.
If you have an emergency, please call 911.

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