Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment Center

Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment Center

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Hospital Level Care in a Homelike Setting

Our inpatient eating disorder treatment center is the highest level of care at Selah for clients who need medical stabilization as a result of their eating disorder. Moreover, it offers 24/7 medical care, 24/7 nursing supervision, and medical management. Unlike a hospital, clients are not restricted to their beds but are free to enjoy the home and community. Through approval by the treatment team, patients participate in programming and interact with a supportive treatment community of patients and staff. 

In fact, the treatment and medical team surround our clients with support to address any complications that often accompany eating disorders. This coordinated care and support help create a seamless transition from this acute level of care to a residential eating disorder treatment center.

Should emergency medical intervention become necessary, we have an on-call physician who will assess clients on an individual basis and close relationships with local hospitals

When Inpatient is Needed

For example, signs indicating inpatient care for eating disorders:
  • The person has been in outpatient care and has not been showing improvement.
  • A medical condition is present due to the disorder.
  • The person is self-harming.
  • The person cannot control restricting or purging behaviors without strong supervision.
  • There are trauma issues which would be too difficult to uncover and deal with in outpatient.
  • There is a secondary diagnosis present that would benefit from intensive focused treatment.

Inpatient Program Capabilities

Our inpatient treatment program offers robust capabilities that differ from our residential treatment program. These capabilities include:

  • 24/7 medical care
  • 24/7 nursing supervision
  • Medication management
  • Nasogastric (NG) Tube Feeding: For individuals facing severe malnutrition or encountering significant obstacles in ingesting sufficient nutrition orally, NG tube feeding offers a crucial support system. This method guarantees a steady and regulated supply of vital nutrients, facilitating physical stabilization and halting further decline. The addition of NG tube feeding allows for a better step-down option for clients coming from a hospital setting to an inpatient level of care.

Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment Center Free Assessment

If you think you may need this level of care, please do not wait. Contact Selah House immediately and talk with someone from our assessment team. Medical complications from eating disorders are life-threatening and our team can provide you with additional information and resources about eating disorders. We are here for you. For example, our programs include:

As you can see, we offer a wide range of therapeutic options and treatment modalities. Therefore, we can find the root cause of your disorder and overcome them together. For more information, contact us today at 765-442-3551.

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